There are many ways to lose weight, ranging from the various methods of diet, exercise, liposuction surgery, acupuncture, to take medicine slimming. Which is safe and effective?
Referring to the UN health agency, WHO, noted that a good weight loss can not be done instantly, but it is a long-term therapy. All it takes to lose weight rather than reduce the size of the meal, but also needed guidance from a nutritionist before making dietary changes, along with physical activity and behavioral therapy.
To find out how slimming where a healthy, safe, and effective, please read the following descriptions to complete.
How to get rid of fat that is now the trend is liposuction surgery and tummy-tuck. This operation was chosen because of weight loss can be decreased drastically without the need to tired to exercise and dieting, it is proved by the testimony of a famous artist. But why do so even though the fat is removed, his body is still too stretchy?
Basically, liposuction is surgery to remove fat under the skin, and made to achieve harmony of body, not to lose weight. While tummy-tuck is the removal of excess fatty tissue and overlying skin to form a more aesthetic body. Fat should not be reduced any more than 3-5 kg once operations
According to nutrition specialist, dr.Johanes Chandrawinata, MND, SpGK, both types of surgery are commonly performed on patients who have a doctor's body sagged after her body weight decreased. So, to lose weight first before surgery, not surgery to lose weight because after 3 months the body will be fat again.
Ironic, in a week yesterday During August there have been two thefts are perpetrators were teenagers (ABG). Ie on Monday, August 24, 2009 at 10:30 pm, two teens arrested in car park security guard stole RSBT helmet. According to the perpetrator, this is the action the second time in the same place, where the first successful action and helmets were sold at a price of Rp. 50 thousand. Actors admitted stealing because they need money for snacks. Then on Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 13:30 pm, school youth was caught taking a light meal, a pack of cigarettes and tens of thousands of money from a shop in the village water gate Pangkalpinang. The second examination of the above cases should refer to the Act on the Protection and Law Courts child. If then in the end the judge found guilty, then pendidikanlah approach is needed in coaching during their sentence. Therefore, the existence of prisons child becomes an urgent need in this province.
True Love and True Friend
Why do we close our eyes when we sleep, when we cry, when we imagine, when we kiss?
This is because the most beautiful thing in the world NOT visible.
We're all a little weird ... and life itself is also somewhat strange ...
And when we find someone who is in line with our uniqueness.
We join him and fall into a similar oddity called LOVE.
There are things - things that do not want us to remove ...
People - people who do not want us to leave ...
But remember ... NOT release the end of the world, but the beginning of a new life.
Happiness is for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried.
Since it is they who can appreciate how important the people who have touched their lives.
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