Jumat, 04 November 2011

prinsip konsep dan aliran koperasi


Prinsip koperasi adalah suatu system ide-ide abstrak yang merupakan petunjuk untuk membangun koperasi yang efektif dan tahan lama. Prinsip koperasi terbaru yang dikembangkan International Cooperative Alliance (Federasi koperasi non-pemerintah internasional) adalah keanggotaan yang bersifat terbuka dan sukarela, pengelolaan yang demokratis, partisipasi anggota dalam [ekonomi]], kebebasan dan otonomi, serta pengembangan pendidikan, pelatihan, dan informasi.


Konsep koperasi dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu ada konsep koperasi barat,konsep koperasi sosialis dan konsep koperasi negara berkembang
1.      Konsep Koperasi Barat
Koperasi merupakan organisasi swasta, yang dibentuk secara sukarela oleh orang-orang yang mempunyai persamaan kepentingan, dengan maksud mengurusi kepentingan para anggotanya serta menciptakan keuntungan timbal balik bagi anggota koperasi maupun perusahaan koperasi.
Unsur-unsur Positif Konsep Koperasi Barat
• Keinginan individu dapat dipuaskan dengan cara bekerjasama antar sesame
anggota, dengan saling membantu dan saling menguntungkan
• Setiap individu dengan tujuan yang sama dapat berpartisipasi untuk
mendapatkan keuntungan dan menanggung risiko bersama
• Hasil berupa surplus/keuntungan didistribusikan kepada anggota sesuai dengan
metode yang telah disepakati
• Keuntungan yang belum didistribusikan akan dimasukkan sebagai cadangan
2.      Konsep Koperasi Sosialis
Koperasi direncanakan dan dikendalikan oleh pemerintah dan dibentuk dengan tujuan merasionalkan produksi, untuk menunjang perencanaan nasional.
Menurut konsep ini, koperasi tidak berdiri sendiri tetapi merupakan subsistem dari sistem sosialisme untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan sistem sosialis-komunis
3.      Konsep Koperasi Negara Berkembang
• Koperasi sudah berkembang dengan ciri tersendiri, yaitu dominasi campur
tangan pemerintah dalam pembinaan dan pengembangannya.
• Perbedaan dengan Konsep Sosialis, pada konsep Sosialis, tujuan koperasi untuk
merasionalkan faktor produksi dari kepemilikan probadi ke pemilikan kolektif

4.      sedangkan konsep koperasi negara berkembang, tujuan koperasi adalah
meningkatkan kondisi sosial ekonomi anggotanya.
• Aliran Yardstick
– Dijumpai pada negara-negara yang berideologi kapitalis atau yang menganut
perekonomian Liberal.
– Koperasi dapat menjadi kekuatan untuk mengimbangi, menetralisasikan dan
– Pemerintah tidak melakukan campur tangan terhadap jatuh bangunnya koperasi
di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Maju tidaknya koperasi terletak di tangan anggota
koperasi sendiri
– Pengaruh aliran ini sangat kuat, terutama dinegara-negara barat dimana industry
berkembang dg pesat. Spt di AS, Perancis, Swedia, Denmark, Jerman, Belanda
• Aliran Sosialis
– Koperasi dipandang sebagai alat yang paling efektif untuk mencapai
kesejahteraan masyarakat, disamping itu menyatukan rakyat lebih mudah
melalui organisasi koperasi.
– Pengaruh aliran ini banyak dijumpai di negara-negara Eropa Timur dan Rusia.
• Aliran Persemakmuran (Commonwealth)
– Koperasi sebagai alat yang efisien dan efektif dalam meningkatkan kualitas
ekonomi masyarakat.
– Koperasi sebagai wadah ekonomi rakyat berkedudukan strategis dan memegang
peranan utama dalam struktur perekonomian masyarakat
– Hubungan Pemerintah dengan gerakan koperasi bersifat “Kemitraan
(partnership)”, dimana pemerintah bertanggung jawab dan berupaya agar iklim
pertumbuhan koperasi tercipta dengan baik.
Membagi koperasi menjadi 4 aliran atau schools of cooperatives berdasarkan
peranan dan fungsinya dalam konstelasi perekonomian negara, yakni :
A. Cooperative Commonwealth School
Aliran ini merupakan cerminan sikap yang menginginkan dan memperjuangkan
agar prinsip- prinsip koperasi diberlakukan pada bagian luas kegiatan manusia
dan lembaga, sehingga koperasi memberi pengaruh dan kekuatan yang
dominan di tengah masyarakat.
B. School of Modified Capitalism
Suatu paham yang menganggap koperasi sebagai suatu bentuk kapitalisme,
namun memiliki suatu perangkat peraturan yang menuju pada pengurangan
dampak negatif dari kapitalis.
C. The Socialist School
Suatu paham yang menganggap koperasi sebagai bagian dari sistem sosialis.
D. Cooperative Sector School
Paham yang menganggap filsafat koperasi sebagai sesuatu yang berbeda dari
kapitalisme maupun sosialisme, dan karenanya berada di antara kapitalis dan

Jenis Koperasi (PP 60 Tahun 1959)
a. Koperasi Desa
b. Koperasi Pertanian
c. Koperasi Peternakan
d. Koperasi Perikanan
e. Koperasi Kerajinan/Industri
f. Koperasi Simpan Pinjam
g. Koperasi Konsumsi
Jenis Koperasi menurut Teori Klasik terdapat 3 jenis Koperasi:
a. Koperasi pemakaian
b. Koperasi penghasil atau Koperasi
c. Koperasi Simpan Pinjam
Ketentuan Penjenisan Koperasi Sesuai &am p;nb sp; Undang – Undang No. 12 /67 tentang Pokok – pokok Perkoperasian (pasal 17)
1. Penjenisan Koperasi didasarkan pada kebutuhan dari dan untuk efisiensi suatu
golongan dalam masyarakat yang homogen karena kesamaan aktivitas /kepentingan
ekonominya guna mencapai tujuan bersama anggota-anggotanya.

2. Untuk maksud efisiensi dan ketertiban, guna kepetingan dan perkembangan Koperasi
Indonesia, di tiap daerah kerja hanya terdapat satu Koperasi yang sejenis dan

BENTUK KOPERASI (PP No. 60 / 1959)
a. Koperasi Primer
b. Koperasi Pusat
c. Koperasi Gabungan
d. Koperasi Induk

• Di tiap desa ditumbuhkan Koperasi Desa
• Di tiap Daerah Tingkat II ditumbuhkan Pusat Koperasi
• Di tiap Daerah Tingkat I ditumbuhkan Gabungan Koperasi
• Di Ibu Kota ditumbuhkan Induk Koperasi

• Koperasi Primer merupakan Koperasi yang anggota-anggotanya terdiri dari orang – orang.
• Koperasi Sekunder merupakan Koperasi yang anggota-anggotanya adalah organisasi koperasi .

a. Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD)
Koperasi Unit Desa adalah koperasi yang beranggotakan masyarakat pedesaan.. Koperasi ini melakukan kegiatan usaha ekonomi pedesaan, terutama pertanian. Untuk itu, kegiatan yang dilakukan KUD antara lain menyediakan pupuk, obat pemberantas hama tanaman, benih, alat pertanian, dan memberi penyuluhan teknis pertanian.
b. Koperasi Pegawai Republik Indonesia (KPRI)
Koperasi ini beranggotakan para pegawai negeri. Sebelum KPRI, koperasi ini bernama Koperasi Pegawai Negeri (KPN). KPRI bertujuan terutama meningkatkan kesejateraan para pegawai negeri (anggota). KPRI dapat didirikan di lingkup departemen atau instansi.
c. Koperasi Sekolah
Koperasi Sekolah meiliki anggota dari warga sekolah, yaitu guru, karyawan, dan siswa. Koperasi sekolah memiliki kegiatan usaha menyediakan kebutuhan warga sekolah, seperti buku pelajaran, alat tulis, makanan, dan lain-lain. Keberadaan koperasi sekolah bukan semata-mata sebagai kegiatan ekonomi, melainkan sebagai media pendidikan bagi siswa antara lain berorganisasi, kepemimpinan, tanggung jawab, dan kejujuran.

Tujuan utama Koperasi Indonesia adalah mengembangkan kesejahteraan anggota, pada khususnya, dan masyarakat pada umumnya. Koperasi Indonesia adalah perkumpulan orang-orang, bukan perkumpulan modal sehingga laba bukan merupakan ukuran utama kesejahteraan anggota. Manfaat yang diterima anggota lebih diutamakan daripada laba. Meskipun demikian harus diusahakan agar koperasi tidak menderita rugi. Tujuan ini dicapai dengan karya dan jasa yang disumbangkan pada masing-masing anggota.
·         “Keanggotaan Koperasi Indonesia bersifat sukarela dan didasarkan atas kepentingan bersama sebagai pelaku ekonomi. Melalui koperasi, para anggota ikut, secara aktif memperbaiki kehidupannya dan kehidupan masyarakat melalui karya dan jasa yang disumbangkan. Dalam usahanya, koperasi akan lebih menekankan pada pelayanan terhadap kepentingan anggota, baik sebagai produsen maupun konsumen. Kegiatan koperasi akan lebih banyak dilakukan kepada anggota dibandingkan dengan pihak luar. Oleh karena itu, anggota dalam koperasi, bertindak sebagai pemilik sekaligus pelanggan.”

Rabu, 28 September 2011

tulisan softskill ekonomi koperasi

A. Fungsi Koperasi / Koprasi

1. Sebagai urat nadi kegiatan perekonomian indonesia
2. Sebagai upaya mendemokrasikan sosial ekonomi indonesia
3. Untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan warga negara indonesia
4. Memperkokoh perekonomian rakyat indonesia dengan jalan pembinaan koperasi

B. Peran dan Tugas Koperasi / Koprasi

1. Meningkatkan tarah hidup sederhana masyarakat indonesia
2. Mengembangkan demokrasi ekonomi di indonesia
3. Mewujudkan pendapatan masyarakat yang adil dan merata dengan cara menyatukan, membina, dan mengembangkan setiap potensi yang ada

definisi ekonomi koperasi

Koperasi adalah merupakan singkatan dari kata ko / co dan operasi / operation. Koperasi adalah suatu kumpulan orang-orang untuk bekerja sama demi kesejahteraan bersama. Berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 12 tahun 1967, koperasi indonesia adalah organisasi ekonomi rakyat yang berwatak sosial dan beranggotakan orang-orang, badan-badan hukum koperasi yang merupakan tata susunan ekonomi sebagai usaha bersama berdasar atas asas kekeluargaan.

Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

5 tugas softskill bebas

The Eagle

He claps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ringed with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.
                                                Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892)

The Red Wheelbarrow

So much depends

A red wheel

Glazed with rain

Beside the white
                                                William Carlos Williams (1883-1963)

In a Station of the Metro

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.
                                                Ezra Pound (1885-1972)

Suicide’s Note

The calm,
Cool face of the river
Asked me for a kiss.
                                                Langston Hughes (1902-1967)

There is no Frigate like a Book

There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away
Nor any courses like a page
Of prancing poetry─
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of Toll─
How frugal is the chariot
That bears the human soul.
                                                Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

Daftar Pustaka/sumber :

- Perrine’s Sound and Sense; An Introduction to Poetry.

artikel softskill (indra dwi p,1ea19,13210516)

There are many ways to lose weight, ranging from the various methods of diet, exercise, liposuction surgery, acupuncture, to take medicine slimming. Which is safe and effective?

Referring to the UN health agency, WHO, noted that a good weight loss can not be done instantly, but it is a long-term therapy. All it takes to lose weight rather than reduce the size of the meal, but also needed guidance from a nutritionist before making dietary changes, along with physical activity and behavioral therapy.

To find out how slimming where a healthy, safe, and effective, please read the following descriptions to complete.

How to get rid of fat that is now the trend is liposuction surgery and tummy-tuck. This operation was chosen because of weight loss can be decreased drastically without the need to tired to exercise and dieting, it is proved by the testimony of a famous artist. But why do so even though the fat is removed, his body is still too stretchy?

Basically, liposuction is surgery to remove fat under the skin, and made ​​to achieve harmony of body, not to lose weight. While tummy-tuck is the removal of excess fatty tissue and overlying skin to form a more aesthetic body. Fat should not be reduced any more than 3-5 kg ​​once operations

According to nutrition specialist, dr.Johanes Chandrawinata, MND, SpGK, both types of surgery are commonly performed on patients who have a doctor's body sagged after her body weight decreased. So, to lose weight first before surgery, not surgery to lose weight because after 3 months the body will be fat again.

Ironic, in a week yesterday During August there have been two thefts are perpetrators were teenagers (ABG). Ie on Monday, August 24, 2009 at 10:30 pm, two teens arrested in car park security guard stole RSBT helmet. According to the perpetrator, this is the action the second time in the same place, where the first successful action and helmets were sold at a price of Rp. 50 thousand. Actors admitted stealing because they need money for snacks. Then on Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 13:30 pm, school youth was caught taking a light meal, a pack of cigarettes and tens of thousands of money from a shop in the village water gate Pangkalpinang. The second examination of the above cases should refer to the Act on the Protection and Law Courts child. If then in the end the judge found guilty, then pendidikanlah approach is needed in coaching during their sentence. Therefore, the existence of prisons child becomes an urgent need in this province.

True Love and True Friend

Why do we close our eyes when we sleep, when we cry, when we imagine, when we kiss?
This is because the most beautiful thing in the world NOT visible.

We're all a little weird ... and life itself is also somewhat strange ...
And when we find someone who is in line with our uniqueness.
We join him and fall into a similar oddity called LOVE.

There are things - things that do not want us to remove ...
People - people who do not want us to leave ...
But remember ... NOT release the end of the world, but the beginning of a new life.
Happiness is for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried.
Since it is they who can appreciate how important the people who have touched their lives.

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

tugas sofkil bahasa inggris 2. indra dwi p ,, 1ea19 , 13210516

Love Orkut Koushambi-Manish
In 2007, the Mumbai Police found a body in the hotel Koushambi Layek Sun-a-shell Mumbai room number 202, then the police discovered that he was killed by Manish Thakur, Bashdroni population in West Bengal; Koushambi Layek is a trainer at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) , Manish she met while traveling to Tata Consulting services.
Manish and Koushambi fall in love after scrapping on orkut, but then Koushambi discovered that her lover is actually a married man, so he requested Manish to end this relationship but Manish refused to do so and threatened Koushambi again and again and finally killed him with a revolver.

Fadly alhamdulillah already passed the potty training, well though not 100%. Why not 100% because i en bapake still not confident to diaper-free time to go and at night. To pee Fadly can say * er 1-2 times sometimes bablas also *, and all day except sleep Fadly has officially aka pake cd panties. Fadly we deliberately want to buy spiderman underwear picture, one superhero who he likes.
For the pup, this is still PR nah .. ya, sometimes she would sit on the toilet seat thomasnya, sometimes bablas in my pants. Most of the hell he pooped on cd or diapers, and klo've just finished him admit. The reason klo pooped in the toilet told you in trouble, can not come out. Perhaps because his foot has not been until time yes ... so ngedennya less than the maximum. Diajakin pup in the squatting toilet, own splashy look in there so long keluar.Yg pupnya en rada ga concentration. Well there's one funny habit Fadly klo pup a bath fitted. Incidentally normalcy bathroom Fadly use when bathing water channel water perforation alias ga closed tuh kebuka so.
Be he mojok in deket drains, standing and pup. Outgoing pupnya Klo gw calling directly excited or father who accompany bath for nyirem. Living nature Fadly for pooped and peed affairs at night ya,,, yes * Ma lazy weight

For business meals have started on off, sometimes voraciously really can abis 6 tablespoons rice out of vegetables, side dishes, and snacks. Sometimes 2 tablespoons rice wrote the entry is really hard.
Recognition nih, gw emang klo ga impatient eat Fadly affairs. Klo gw yg eating habits cepet, so I'm kepengen Fadly ngikutin gw. But I realized, this is a good ga en ga bener. So God willing .. pelan2 learn reassurance affairs appetite Fadly. Klo Fadly want, yes dikasi until he was satisfied. GTM Klo again, yes I wrote until he kepengen Biarin eat at the next mealtime. Hihihihi little heart to let him know deh tuh kek what hungry.

Milk has begun to lose its charge. Now just run out 500-650 ml / day. Whether due to have started like snacking, or glut eating. And I never impose Fadly ga for milk affairs, as distinguished from the info I get for children over 1 year requirement is 500 ml of milk per day. The need for calcium can be obtained from other foods. At the age of 3 years or less 2 months, the schedule of drinking milk a day 3x Fadly; morning, afternoon / evening and night going to bed.

Ability to communicate increasingly better. It's getting a lot to ask, start memorizing doa2 sehari2, nyanyi2 .. be it a song or songs asal2annya distinguished him. Sometimes I sing a round hat er final stanza bird so old sister: D. Yesterday at a birthday party Zikra reply to 3, same bdua Andin've dared to come forward for this nyanyi.Kayanya follow-up effects of early childhood Yunita since last November. Why ga on landfill Makara UI anymore, because since the February 2010 rate is rising plus the financial condition of our distinguished stable yet added Fadly already so hard to wake up alone aja klo gw yg ribet Fadly same anther length bawaan.Hehehe yes why. At first it bapake holiday once every 2 weeks, so it can shuttle shuttle Fadly gw en plus anther to the office. Well since gaweannya pindah2, and ga dapet rations holiday on Monday again, I just automatically wrote ngangkot bdua Fadly. Kebayangkan take Fadly, bring bag bag Fadly en gw. Hedeuh ... rempong bok: D

Well we met with ECD Yunita is this. Ga away from home, still ride public transportation really, but could be reached with 10-15 minutes only. And who I liked, Fadly already started studying the Koran despite only Iqro since in this early childhood.

And now his new hobby is singing happy birthday, blow out the candle and Happy B'Day to you. Hihihihi tasteless moment birthday song would ya 'boy: D finished first ngapalin ^ _ ^

Healthy handsome father and mother and hold..

Team Hoyt is a team of father (Dick Hoyt) and son (Rick Hoyt) in Massachusetts. Iron Man is the race that is a combination of 26.2 miles of walking, biking 112 miles and swim 2.4 miles.

It is a remarkable record since [b] Rick can not walk and talk! [/ B]. because at birth, the umbilical cord attached to the neck, so that oxygen can not enter the brain.
so no more hope for their child's development. But Rick's parents, ignoring the advice of doctors, and would still like membesarkannya.Suatu When, there are some engineers from Tufts University are aware of Rick's condition, they are trying to help Rick to communicate, at the time the engineer came to see the condition of Rick's lucky, they were very surprised , because Rick was joking with them. then the engineer had said that "Rick is not completely rupture but crack!"
With the cost of $ 5,000 the engineers who designed the computer for Rick Rick memunginkan to communicate.

When the computer has arrived at their home. kata2 first put forward is not "hi dad" or "hi mom" but "Go Bruins."

Boston Hockey Team Brunis is successfully entering the Stanley Cup Finals at that time

Family Rick realized that he was loved sports ... and Rick wants to follow the Ironman Competition.
It was a very tough challenge for the 65-year-old Dick who is a Retired AIR NATIONAL GUARD
As the Air Force, but only for defense only

which has the final rank of Lieutenant Colonel. last he was cycling when he was 6 years old ... and Dick was not able to swim so he must learn to swim at that age.

tugas softskill

NPM   : 13210516


Causative “have” is followed by the simple form of a verb, not an infinitive. (causative “have” diikuti oleh verb 1 (tanpa tambahan s/-es), bukan diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1)).
-          I had John repair my bike. (CORRECT)
-          I had John to repair my bike. (INCORRECT,because it is followed by an infinitive)
è Kalimat ke 2 salah karena diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1)
► “Have” gives the idea that “X” request “Y” to do something. ( “Have” menunjukkan bahwa “X” meminta “Y” untuk melakukan sesuatu.)
è The formula is: “X” has/have/had “Y” do something (simple form) (rumusnya adalah “X” has/have/had “Y” melakukakn sesuatu (verb dalam bentuk sederhana(verb1 tanpa tambahan s/-es)).
Examples:        - Mary has John carry her bag.
Means(artinya): John carried the bag because Mary ask him to. ( John membawa tas karena Mary menyuruhnya).
                        -I have Jane put my books
Means: Jane put my books because I ask her to.
-          Tom had Jane clean the room yesterday
è Using “had” because the adverb of time is yesterday. But still the verb is in simple form.

(HAVE +Past Participle (Verb3)

The past participle(verb 3) is used after “have’ to give a passive meaning.
Examples:        - I had my watch repaired (by someone) yesterday.
Means: I caused my watch to be repaired by someone. (saya menyuruh orang lain untuk memperbaiki jam tangan saya kemarin).
            -I have my hair cut à means: I asked someone to cut my hair. (saya menyuruh seseorang untuk mencukur rambut saya)
            - I am having my car washed at the moment à means: I am asking someone to wash my car at the moment. (pada saat ini saya SEDANG menyuruh seseorang mencuci mobil saya.)
You have to know the different between Have something done and present Perfect/ past perfect form.
HAVE SOMETHING DONE:  I have my hair cut à means: I ask someone to cut my hair.
PRESENT PERFECT(S+HAVE/HAS+V3): I have cut my hair àmeans: you cut your own hair.

·         S + HAVE/HAS + OBJECT + VERB 3
·         S + HAD + OBJECT +VERB3 +PAST TIME
-          Use active sentence for causative “have” (using simple form of a verb) and passive sentence for have something done (using verb 3).
-          For causative “have” à after subject you have to use the right form of “have” whether it is “have or has or had” then the object is people (someone), after that,you have to use a simple form of a verb (verb 1 without s/-es) in any kind of adverb of time (present time or past time still use simple form of a verb), you just choose the right form of “have” à “have or has” for present time, “had “ for past time.
-          For have something done just follow the pattern.

Fill in the blanks with the right form of causative have, and choose the right form of verb given in the brakets. (isilah dengan bentuk causative have yang benar, dan pilih salah satu bentuk verb yang benar yang diberikan di dalam kurung)

1.      We had  our treasury buy  our new books yesterday. (buy / buys / bought / to buy)
2.      She has  her mom cook dinner for her. (cook / cooks / cooked / to cook )
3.      He had his brother do  his homework last night (do / does / did / done)
4.      Tom is having Bill write  the report at the moment. (write / writes / writing / written)
5.      Mike has  Jenni save  his data. (save / saving / saves / saved)
6.      Bob has his packages delivered by the postman. ( deliver / delivers / delivered / delivery)
7.      Eddy had_his data changed by his secretary last week. (change / changes / changed / changing)
8.      Marie has her house painted by the workmen at the moment. ( paint / painting / painted / paints)
9.      Jonny has his car parked by the parking man. (park / parks / parking / parked)
10.  They is having their maid clean their room right now. (clean / cleaned / cleans / cleaning)