Subject – Verb Agreement
S-V agreement adalah structure dalam bahasa inggris, dimana antara subject dan verb nya harus sesuai, subject dan verb ato prediketnya itu harus sama Singular (tunggal) ato sama-sama plural (jamak).
Sebelum kita belajar tentang subject-Verb agreement, saya akan menjelaskan sedikit tentang verb dan Subject itu. Ini supaya lebih mudah memahami subject verb agreement.
Verb, memiliki banyak pembagiannya. Ada yang membagi manjadi:
1. Finite Verb
2. Auxiliary Verb (Helping Verb)
3. Linking Verb
4. Transitive-Intransitive Verb
5. Regular-Irregular Verb
But generally, based on the Function, ada 4 nich :
1. Main Verb
Ex: Play, run, do, hate,dll
2. Verb to be, kadang sering disebut sebagai helping verb.
ð is, am ,are ,was, were, be, been.
3. Auxiliary Verb
ð Has, have , had ,do ,did , does
4. Modal Auxiliary
ð Can, may, will, shall, should, would, must, could, might, had to, etc.
It’s usually appear before verb. Biasanya muncul sebelum kata kerja. Ada beberapa bentuk subject. Some kinds, consist of:
1. Noun
Eg : That book is new ; The Apple is eaten by me.
2. Pronoun
Eg : She bought a new notebook.
3. Gerund
Eg : Swimming is her hobby.
4. Noun Clause
Eg : What she said is confusing
How she refused the boy is unpredictable
Subject-Verb Agreement
Untuk Singular Subject, maka singular Verb. Begitu juga jika plural subject nya, maka plural pula verb nya.
Yang masuk kategori Singular =>
1. Singular Subject + Singular Verb
Ex : She teaches English every day.
He has borrowed my comics.
Mother gives me money every week.
2. Each/Every + Singular Verb
Ex : Each man, woman, and child in this room is sick.
Yang masuk ke kategori Plural =>
1. Plural Subject + Plural Verb
Eg : I teaches English every day.
They have borrowed my novel.
2. (… and … ) + plural verb
( Both . . . and . . . ) + plural Verb
Eg : Mother and Father love me so much.
Sinta and SIntia are my friend.
Both dancing and Swimming are my Friends.
Exception, NIch Pengecualian nya . . yang gak pke system 2 pola di atas, yang udah diterangin sebelumnya..
1. Kalau “ Subject + (Phrase: In addition to, as well as, a long with, together with)+ Noun,” => maka Verb nya tergantung Subject.
Eg : The car (S) as well as the bike is washed.
The students (S) together with the teachers attend to the flag ceremony.
Kalau subject nya dalam bentuk correlative conjunction, Mereka tidak bisa diputuskan dalam kategori singular saja atau plural saja. maka Verb nya depend on the nearest noun atau noun yang kedua.
Neither (noun 1) nor (noun 2)
Either (n1) or (n2
Not only (n1) but also (n2)
Eg : Neither the boy nor the girls are my family.
Not only books but also the map is brought to the office.
In addition to
the daily activities of college I was exercising . Usually
within a week I took myself to play futsal 1 or 2 times a week , and usually at
home I also took time to play lifting weights for some time . I
think a week without exercise the body feels a little bit heavy to move , and
that's why I love to exercise such thing .
addition to exercise , daily activities I use to play the game as refreshing of
assignments , both online games and games available in the gadget . Because
I think the game can help in refreshing the brain of the daily activities that
require mind .
I would rather spend his time at home rather than spend the time to hang out
outside the house when there was no activity . Because
I think it helps oranng old home is a must for me , and often I was also asked
by my parents , both petrified for wiping the dishes , sweep , and as a driver
I often do at home when I 'm not there any activities at home .
In addition to exercise , daily activities I use to play the game as refreshing of assignments , both online games and games available in the gadget . Because I think the game can help in refreshing the brain of the daily activities that require mind .
Actually I would rather spend his time at home rather than spend the time to hang out outside the house when there was no activity . Because I think it helps oranng old home is a must for me , and often I was also asked by my parents , both petrified for wiping the dishes , sweep , and as a driver I often do at home when I 'm not there any activities at home .